
Hi my name is Shaony, and this is my introductory post.

For my AICE Media Studies foundation portfolio project, I will create a 4 page magazine. I will produce a magazine cover, a double-page spread, and contents page within the magazine. I will be working in a group of 4, but I will submit an individual project.

The set brief to create the magazine is the following:

Main Task:
    - Collaborating as a group for ideas, but creating separate projects (a maximum of 4 members are allowed per group, and different editions of the same house style will be produced).
    - All images and text that will be utilized in this task must be original and produced by myself, with a minimum of 4 images per candidate.
    - This task should be preceded by preliminary exercises to help build my skills with technology and my understanding of conventions.
    - Create a reflection, which will document and explain what I learned from the process of producing a magazine.
