Representation of Women

  Hello! Today I will be discussing the representation of women within beauty magazines. What I will discuss below are my opinions, based off of my personal observations.

 When it comes to beauty magazines, it's no secret that women are the main models used to attract costumers. While men do purchase beauty products, women are the main demographic for the beauty industry. For as long as I can remember, I have always seen women featured on the cover pages of magazines like Vogue and Elle. However, I can't help but notice the differences in the representation of white women and ethnic, but more specifically, black women. 

    For a very long time, I would hardly see black women on the front cover of popular magazines whenever I would walk past the plethora of magazines stacked next to each other at the grocery store. Some magazines, however, that target the black women demographic of course feature black women consistently. Magazines such as Ebony and Hype Hair. Aside from those magazines, it is more likely for other magazines to feature white women. The European beauty standards, which are very prominent within consumers, has played a role in this misrepresentation.

    In recent years though, I believe that this industry has gotten much better in representing all types of different women. This is not to say that the media is where they should be ideally, when it comes to representing all types of different people. I am saying that the media has definitely made progression. The inclusion of all women has a profound effect on more people than you would believe. Children growing up should see people that look like them being represented in the public eye. This helps people feel more comfortable in their own skin and not rely on abiding by the typical beauty standards that society sets. The media has changed throughout the years, thankfully. 




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