Preliminary Task: Table of Contents Analysis

     Hello! Today I will be conducting an evaluation regarding my sample table of contents page.

    First, I would like to address my pictures. I don't have regular accessibility to animals other than my own dog. Covid-19 plays a big role in that, as well as my limited personal knowledge of pet owners. I utilized my own pictures from a few weeks ago to conduct this preliminary task. It is also hard for animals to sit still and get taken pictures of, so the photos aren't as good as I wanted them to be. 

    This task was not simple or hard to work on. It was a little time consuming, due to the actual written table of contents I had to come up with. I realized that when I begin to produce my real magazine, I will need to be more prepared ahead of time. I will need to plan everything out before I begin producing the magazine. I tried to go along with a simple template, since my cover page was simplistic. Although, I wish that I spent more time on correlating this color scheme to the one I used for my cover page. I noted that the correlation has to definitely be prominent in my real magazine. I got more practice on the website I used to create this page, which is helpful towards the design of my magazine. 

Overall, I believe that the preliminary task has aided me with my eventual production of my magazine.
