Evaluation Question 2: How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?


Here is the link to my video: https://youtu.be/RSAxjSTEC6E



-          Hi, my name is Shaony Lopez and the question that I will be answering is “ How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?” My target audience was for teenagers. My magazine can be read by an older audience, but my main target audience was for people in my age group. The reason for this is because,  I feel that people in my age group tend to be more,,more willing to experiment with our hair and experiment with other aspects of our body. So, people like me may struggle more when it comes to properly taking care of our hair. In the beauty industry, there is not a lot of inclusivity for black women and other ethnic women. So my magazine incorporates tic-I’m sorry- tips and tricks for dealing with your hair. There is a lot of information for what may work best for your type of hair, versus what may not work best for your hair. So, that is the way that my magazine really engaged with my specific audience. So, the way that my product would be distributed as a real media text is through a physical copy of a magazine in a bookstore or in grocery store. So when you go to the grocery store, a lot of the time when you’re about to check out and you go up to the cashier. There are a lot of candies and things like that, but there are also a lot of magazines and newspapers. So, my..a potential customer may scan through while they’re checking out, and they may pick up my magazine and they may be interested. Another way is through the internet. So, there is a lot of…there are a lot of magazines that are distributed through like…apps like amazon and the bookstore in iPhones. So my magazine would just be distributed as an eMagaizne, which is way more accessible for people who don’t like going to the store and picking out things, it’s so easy to just pick out a magazine or a book and read it on your phone, since you always have it on you.
