Evaluation Question 3: How did your production skills develop throughout the project?


Here is the link to my video: https://youtu.be/H5rDXYiMdBQ


-          Hi my name is Shaony Lopez and the question that I will be answering is “How did your production skills develop throughout the project” So, I would say that slowly, but surely, my production skills developed while creating this magazine. So one of the first things that I learned, that I had never known before, were camera angles, shots, composition, and movement. I didn’t know all of the technicalities of those components, I didn’t know that they really existed, so learning that was helping helpful for the magazine. It was helpful with learning what I wanted to imply by taking a picture at a certain angle or certain shot, things like that. Um, when it came to creating my preliminary task, it helped me gain comfortability with being behind the camera and making a subject look good because I’m not used to doing that at all. So, it just definitely helped me with learning overall what..what it takes to create a magazine, or any form of media for that matter. I never knew what really goes into it, and practicing and practicing and practicing definitely helped me out. What I really practiced on was formatting the magazine itself, So, I used Canva.com  to create the magazine. I went onto Canva and I uploaded my pictures, I added the text, and I just kind of moved things around and I looked at the sample template that Canva offered to see what I liked and how I can add my own twist to it. So, using the Canva app definitely helped me learn how to even…create a magazine, it helped me learn how to format everything because I had never done that before. So, I can definitely say that from the beginning of the project to the end, my production skills very developed. I wouldn’t say that they’re top tier, but they definitely evolved into something that will be helpful for me in the future.
